Get to know our team members

Naveen Tiwari

I strongly believe that everybody deserves to be where they are in their lives, because of the choices they have made.

Swati Saboo

A Chartered Accountant by qualification, a hard core sales person by profession and Yoga Enthusiast by passion.

Lakshmi Santhanam

What's unique about me is the rigor and passion that define my art.

Dolly Tejwani

Being meditative in whatever you do is the whole essence of being who you are.

Shruti Ingale

I believe in being kind to strangers. A photographer by passion who likes to capture the essence of things that transpire around me.

Mohita Khilwani

One of the most critical decisions to make in life is the people that we surround ourselves with.

Praveen Tiwari

As a techie, I have always believed in automation. A well tested code will always give the same output agnostic of the iterations.

Sohini Shah Kothari

“It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can 'get' hit and keep moving.”

Vandana Singh Sridhar

“As Jim Collins in his book - The Good to Great, says - People are not a company's most important asset. The RIGHT PEOPLE are!”

Moyna Gopal

My 3 guiding principles - "Omnia Causa Fiunt", "Everything is Figureoutable" and "Never go against yourself"

Manish Roy

Manish Roy

I embrace the thought of learn, earn and return with a never give up attitude. Be that be in proffessional or personal life.

Vivek Parikh

A numbers person at heart , a firm believer of the multiplier effect and a sport enthusiast by passion.

Ruchi Malhotra

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. Truly endorse this verse from the Geeta. Beliefs have a transformative power to shape our thoughts, drive our actions and determine the outcomes we achieve.